Remington Fieldmaster Model 572 Serial Number Lookup

Nov 12, 2005 I got a used Remington 572 Fieldmaster in trade the other day, but there's no serial# whatsoever on this rifle. It's not defaced or anything, I did.
AND, I love to shoot pump 22's and the others I have are simply to valuable to take out and shoot anymore. Speaking of shooting - I hurried home from the gunshop once I paid for the gun and got my range gear together and my large collection of '22 test ammo' and headed out for the range.
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I did look at the Wikipedia site for the Remington Model 572 and they did not have very much info at all - in fact they solicited folks to add info to their smallish page of stuff on the Model 572. Just did another search and could not get back to the Wikipedia reference I saw a while back - but I did find this GORGEOUS Model 572 for sale!
1941 K 1974 Y. 1942 L 1975 Z. 1943 MM 1976 I. 1944 NN 1977 O. 1945 PP 1978 Q.
It started snowing here today at noon and we have 2' of the wet white stuff on the ground now! Luckily I got to the range this morning and did some shooting. Hold into the wind VarmintGuy - 03/19/11 Re: Remington Pump 572 - Finally Mine! [] Joined: May 2003 Posts: 10,788 Campfire 'Bwana Campfire 'Bwana Joined: May 2003 Posts: 10,788. Gus: I have never Hunted Tree Squirrels (Gray Squirrels?). I have always wanted to. Maybe I will get back east someday and do so?
This is my Holland Gun Show find today. It is a standard Remington Fieldmaster Model 572 pre-1968 as there is no Serial Number in the usual place below the roll mark. Anyone know of a way to determine approximate date of manufacture? The top of the barrel has 'Remington Arms Co. Inc Ilion NY on top line and below is 'Made in USA patent number 2,675,638' There are a few markings on the barrel near the breach, looks like a small anchor B M then a bit lower and right next to the receiver a Y. TIA for any help on this.
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Must be the 'hog head' god gave me. Tried selling it a while back with no luck. Download firmware samsung. Might try a scope someday. Neat rifles which I believe are still being made. Got mine NIB at Cabela's a few years ago. BTW I only tried bulk ammo. The rifle did not care which brand, accuracy was good at 30 yards with Federal, Remington and Winchester.
Thanks I have been trying to find out what model and when this gun had been made. A black, walnut colored stock one was also offered and called Raven iirc. He the son gave it to me to put back into shooting condition. Thanks for the links, I found out Teal Wing Blue is the rarest color. This rifle has a alloy action and aluminum barrel, copper in color and sleeved rifling. Not to worry - my first 7 shots were so close to the dot that I did not even change the sight settings.
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Just dial 1-800-243-9700.push 7 for historic information or age of firearm.push 2 for age of firearm.polite lady answers, looks up my S/N and within seconds I found out the year of manufacture for my action/rifle was 2006!!! Thanks again for your help with this and hopefully this will make it a little easier for someone else out there who may have a firearm like mine that doesn't fall into the norm.
Remington Fieldmaster 572
1929 X 1962 J 1995 P. 1930 Y 1963 K 1996 Q.
Remington Fieldmaster Model 572 Price
Thanks again! If you have the original barrel, try to locate the date code. It should be near the receiver, and hand stamped. IIRC, about 10% of the guns are not stamped. Yeah, Remington's serial number search system sucks. I don't have the original barrel and to be honest I don't know if it actually came as a barreled action originally because I am assuming Mike just buys the actions from Remington because they are totally custom built rifles and he uses all custom barrels, stocks, etc.
Yes I also use the fine Federal bulk pack hollow-point ammunition in my 'new' 572. I can't wait for the Ground Squirrels to come out.
These two letters can be decoded to find out the date your firearm was manufactured. Remington 870, 700, 1100 are very popular firearms and it is very easy to find them for sale in shops, on forums and online boards. But when buying used shotgun or rifle, it is better to check when it was manufactured, that is why Remington serial number check was developed. Remington 700 or 1100 serial numbers can be decoded the same way as Remington 870 serial numbers. This decoder works for all Remington firearms which have two-letter code on their barrel. Remington 870 Serial Number Check the serial numbers located on the left side of the barrel on your Remington shotgun. They can be decoded to find out when your shotgun or rifle was manufactured.