Kyuuryuu Youma Gakuenki Re Charge Iso
1)Game title: Kowloon Youma Gakuen Ki Re:Charge 2)ELF name: SLPM 66511 3)Game CRC: F9CA661E 4)Compatibility report: PC Specs: CPU: Intel Core i5 2500 Sandy Bridge GPU: Nvidia Geforce GTX 550 Ti OS: Windows XP SP3 Build Description: PCSX2 1.0.0 Release Pack - Windows BIOS Used: Japan v01.70() Console EE/VU Clamp modes: Normal/Normal EE/VU Rounding: Chop/Chop Speedhacks Used: Recommended,MTVU Gamefixes Used: None Amount of testing done (little/medium/much/completed-game): Completed Comments: Other than the bug below, the game works fine. I played on software mode and to get good speed, I had to press F9 when I was in the ruins under the school. On the school grounds, there was no need to press F9. The name that appears on the emulator log window when you run the game is wrong. It's listed as 'Kyuuryuu Youma Gakuenki Re-charge'.
Iso 15489 Records Management Standard
The correct name is 'Kowloon Youma Gakuen Ki Re:Charge'. Bugs: Although I used the recomended speedhacks + MTVU, when I reported the bug, I did all the testing without any hacks activated. With and without speedhacks, the bug still happens. Download firmware samsung shv-e160k. Status Playable Attached Files Thumbnail(s).
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Moving through 3D dungeons, you can examine and manipulate items, which is required to solve puzzles, in a Western adventure fashion. The Japanese-style adventure element is notable in conversations with the characters, which follow the pattern of a dating simulation - your responses influence your relationship with characters. In dungeons there are also enemies to fight. The battles are strategic, resembling those of Fallout.
The correct name is 'Kowloon Youma Gakuen Ki Re:Charge'. Bugs: Although I used the recomended speedhacks + MTVU, when I reported the bug, I did all the testing without any hacks activated. With and without speedhacks, the bug still happens. Status Playable Attached Files Thumbnail(s).
The place on which the school building stands is surrounded by legends, and soon you find a secret passage that leads to ruins. But of course, you'll need the co-operation of your schoolmates to have success! Kowloon Yoma Gakuen Ki (which can be translated as Chronicles of Kowloon Demon School) is a hybrid game that has elements of various genres - most notably RPG, Japanese and Western-style adventure. The entire game is viewed from first-person perspective.